The story of Zouje begins on a trip I took to visit friends in Copenhagen. I bought a memory card game with random flags from across the world when I was there. This game became a staple in my home; we played it frequently with my partner and friends and absolutely liked it. We felt it would be wonderful to have this game for each continent, but we couldn't readily find cute memory cards game... so I decided to create it.

Zouje begins by having fun with friends and evolves to having fun with flags (hello Sheldon Cooper ;)) and eventually becomes a business idea. This educational game is a fun and competitive approach for kids and adults to practise their memory and memorise the flags and capitals of European Countries.

As the first game, I opted to focus on Europe since I am a French woman who now lives and works in Luxembourg, it made the most sense in my eyes. The name Zouje is based on the Morrocan Arabic word zouj, which means "two," as the concept originated with my Moroccan partner.

I made the decision to establish Zouje as a scalable and agile business. The plan is to start modestly, with just one game card design and a first batch of 100 games. The cards are manufactured locally in Luxembourg, and they are sent from Luxembourg and France to everywhere in the world. As the company grows, so can the supply, and the designs can be expanded to all continents and other themes.