• Do you know every country in Europe? Are you familiar with their capitals and flags? If not, now is the time to practise! Zouje is a card game featuring European countries. The end result? Simple, entertaining, and addictive...

  • Playing Zouje Europe makes you smarter and sharpens your memory:

    - Get to know all the countries of Europe, their flags and capitals ;

    - Train visual and spatial memory;

    - Play with friends and family.

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The story of Zouje begins on a trip I took to visit friends in Copenhagen. I bought a memory card game with random flags from across the world when I was there. This game became a staple in my home; we played it frequently with my partner and friends and absolutely liked it. We felt it would be wonderful to have this game for each continent, but we couldn't readily find cute memory cards game... so I decided to create it.